Archives of ##womenintech

GWBC Radio: Nadine Rubin with Adam-Bryce

Nadine Rubin, Adam Bryce Founder, was a recent guest on the podcast GWBC Radio’s Open for Business, hosted by Lee Kantor. This podcast covered how Covid-19 has impacted Talent Acquisition and steps organizations are taking. Listen to the podcast here: GWBC Radio with Nadine Rubin.

Adam Bryce is a proud sponsor of One Hidden Figure

Adam Bryce is proud to announce our sponsorship of One Hidden Figure at the North Carolina Museum of History on September 19th.  This event will showcase Dr. Christine Darden, who was featured in Margot Lee Shetterly’s book Hidden Figures, who has been recognized for her work with NASA in researching supersonic flight and sonic booms. […]

AI and Blockchain are Calling for Women

Women in tech make up only 20% of the workforce, even though they comprise 51% of the population - but the numbers are changing, and women are gaining ground.

#womenintech: A Podcast Worth Your Listen

In today’s world it seems like there is a podcast available on every topic imaginable. One that we are listening to is #womenintech hosted by Espree Devora, the creator of the blog. Devora offers a new episode three times a week so you can get three times the inspiration! Devora and her guests share […]